Juicy Marinated Cherry Tomatoes

Marinated Cherry TomatoesI saw some lovely looking cherry tomatoes in the greengrocers the other day and remembered that I had seen a recipe on Pinterest which I wanted to try out. I have hundreds of recipes that I want to try out so it was quite amazing that I remembered this one! I am embarrassed to say that it wasn’t until I was in my late twenties that I began to appreciate raw tomatoes. Until then I turned my nose up and refused to eat them. I know I drove my mum crazy as I picked them out of salads and made a fuss when I could see lumps of them in gravy. It wasn’t until I tried someone’s Insalata Tricolore in a really good Italian trattoria that the penny dropped and I realised what I had been missing. Now I can’t get enough of them and look forward to the summer’s crop of heirlooms, beef steaks, plums, cherries and canaries.

Marinated Cherry TomatoesThis is a lovely recipe which really brings out the best in sweet cherry tomatoes. The marinade takes on the flavours of the tomatoes, rosemary, chilli, garlic and lemon and is wonderful drizzled over fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese. They can marinate for as little as 20 minutes but I think that both the tomatoes and the marinade taste so much nicer a few days later. Serve as part of a mezze type meal, use to top open faced sandwiches and tartines, include in lunchbox salads – the possibilities are endless. Make sure to eat at room temperature and with lots of napkins to hand!

Marinated Cherry Tomatoes

I know that peeling tomatoes and cherry tomatoes at that, is a chore and one that I skip if I can get away with it but in this case, it is absolutely necessary. It doesn’t take long and the flavour pay off is worth it. These juicy marinated cherry tomatoes are really easy to make:

Marinated Cherry Tomatoes

First, get the kettle on to boil and fill a mixing bowl with ice cubes and water. Then using a very sharp knife, lightly score the tops the tomatoes – this helps get the skins off. Fill a pan with the kettle hot water and turn up the heat to keep it at a boil. Then, using a large slotted spoon, lower the tomatoes into the water and set a timer for 30 seconds. You should see the skins lifting away where they have been scored, almost immediately. Using the slotted spoon, remove the tomatoes and plunge into the ice bath to stop them from cooking. Pop the rosemary in to blanch and after 30 seconds, remove and put in the ice bath. Drain and pinch the skins off which will come away very easily.  Layer the tomatoes with the garlic, bay leaves and rosemary in a sterilised/extremely well cleaned Le Parfait/Kilner/Mason/pickle or jam jar. Mix up the marinade ingredients in a measuring jug and pour over the tomatoes. If there isn’t enough to cover them, top up with more olive oil.

Marinated Cherry Tomatoes

Juicy Marinated Cherry Tomatoes

  • Servings: 1 x 500 ml jar
  • Difficulty: easy
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Adapted from Marinated Cherry Tomatoes by Alida Ryder for Simply Delicious

  • 30 cherry tomatoes (or fill your jar with tomatoes to see how many will fit comfortably)
  • 2 stalks of rosemary
  • 2 cloves of garlic, sliced
  • 3 bay leaves, broken up

For the marinade

  • 50 ml lemon juice (for me this was about the juice of a lemon and a half)
  • 100 ml extra Virgin Olive oil
  • 1 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1/2 tsp chilli flakes
  • 1/2 tsp salt

You will also need 

  • sterilised 500 ml Le Parfait/Kilner/Mason/pickle or jam jar


  1. Put the kettle on to boil and fill a bowl with ice and water. When the kettle boils pour the water into a saucepan and keep it boiling.
  2. Lightly score the tops of the tomatoes.
  3. Lower the tomatoes in for 30 secs then remove with a slotted spoon and place in the iced water. Drain and pinch off the skins which should slip off very easily.
  4. Blanch the rosemary while the tomatoes are cooling and plunge the stalks into the iced water as well.
  5. Layer the tomatoes in the sterilised jar with the rosemary, garlic and bay leaves.
  6. Measure the lemon juice and olive oil into a measuring jug then stir in the fennel seeds, chilli flakes and salt.
  7. Pour this over the cherry tomatoes. It should cover them, if not top up with some more olive oil.
  8. Leave at room temp for at least half an hour if you want to eat it later, otherwise place in the fridge. Let come to room temp before serving – the oil will solidify so give it a shake from time to time, when you remember.

Should keep for at least a week or two as long as your jar is clean and herbs blanched.

We had it on toasted pain de campagne with buffalo mozzarella, basil leaves, sliced avocado and a good drizzle of the flavoured oil.

Marinated Cherry Tomatoes

53 thoughts on “Juicy Marinated Cherry Tomatoes

  1. Sounds wonderful Selma! I recently made my own pickled beets for the first time and I must say it was well worth the effort. I will try this as it sounds equally worthy of the effort. Thank you.


  2. Delicious! I love pickled veggies, but I tend to go further down the citrus juice/vinegar route so this will make a nice change! Good cherry toms are one of my favourite things and I love the idea of fennel seeds in amongst the flavours. Will be trying this!


    • I think you will really like it. I find that fennel seeds don’t need much encouragement to give up their flavour and the marinade has a mild anise taste with a little hit of chilli and then the tang from the lemon – it is really nice drizzled on some toasted bread before topping with cheese!


      • Wow, yeah, I can imagine! Excellent for a brunch table. Will be making this. Do you know if they’d keep for a while (in a sterilised jar, in the fridge) or do you think it would be best to eat them up within a couple of days of making?


  3. I’ve never thought to marinated tomatoes, Selma. This sounds like a fabulous idea and your results look absolutely delicious! Love, love, love this!


  4. These look divine! I have the jars, the olive oil, the lemon and the spices, so all I need now are the tomatoes. These will be perfect for the weekend! Just nipping out to the greengrocer. Thank you for sharing.


  5. The pictures are perfect, like something taken out of a magazine…the table setting is awesome. the colours are seriously blending and the end result leaves my mouth watering. I can’t remember when I last bought cherry tomatoes, but now you’ve inspired me. Thanks for sharing I have enjoyed the post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Liz, thank you for such a lovely comment! The colours do look rather lovely and I was quite pleased with how it turned out – thanks for noticing!! I am so happy that it has inspired you to buy some cherry toms too!!


  6. Don’t you love when you can turn something so simple as a tomato into such a wonderful treat!? I also cringe at the thought of peeling tomatoes, but this does sound worth it.


    • Yes! The marinade really does elevate the humble little tomato…you absolutely have to peel these babies otherwise the marinade will not be as effective but it really does not take a minute as long as you have a sharp knife.


    • It’s funny how we all seem to be going back to doing the things our parents and grandparents used to do…I love the idea of having something like this in the fridge to top salads or add to tarts…


  7. I’m babying cherry tomato seedlings under grow lights right now. I marinate tomatoes too but will definitely try your recipe…I like that you added fennel.


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